A Few Nikola Tricks

I learned a few tricks using Nikola when setting up my site

While migrating the site to Nikola, I leveraged the handbook to get going.

As I worked through setting up my site, I picked up a couple of tricks for my environment.

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Changes to the Site

Changing the backend of my site and merging my personal and technical sites

Over the years, my writing has been very sparse. I enjoy writing, but just don't push myself to do it. Here's another attempt at getting going again.

Some history of my public sites...

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Starting a new hobbyist programming project

I just created a new page describing a project called mTunes. While there are many music library management programs out there, I find they simply do not do the things I want to do.

Most of my other projects were built with webpy with a custom openid handler using Google as the provider. With this project, I plan to use Ruby on Rails, but still with Google login.

2022 Reading Challenge

2022 Reading Challenge

books of read!

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I am a technology professional, husband and father striving to balance many interests in my life. Occasionally, I write about technical hobbies, my career, travel (mostly in our RV) and other things important in my life.

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