Bug fix release of Mileage App

Released a couple of bug fixes for the last feature release

In the last release of the Mileage app, there was a bug with the instantiation of the database with respect to mulit-threading. I fixed this as well as a long standing bug with date formatting in Firefox (Chrome worked).

See release notes

New Release of Mileage App

New release changes authentication/registration mechanism using Google OAuth2, plus a couple other changes

My Mileage app used Google OpenID for authentication, but Google deprecated it. With this release, I changed the authentication to use Google OAuth2 using the excellent python-social-auth.

I made a few other minor changes as well, which are listed in the release notes

Another Round of Changes to the Site

I thought I was done tweaking, but I was not...

When I wrote the other day about my nikola tricks, I thought I was done tweaking and ready to move on to something else, either writing or more programming projects. It turns out I wanted to make some more changes.

As of today, the site has a new theme based on this open source bootstrap theme. There were several modifications I needed to make, but I won't be writing more about it now.

With this change, it also made sense to make some structural changes. The home page now lists my blog posts. The previous content is now on the about page.


2022 Reading Challenge

2022 Reading Challenge

books of read!

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I am a technology professional, husband and father striving to balance many interests in my life. Occasionally, I write about technical hobbies, my career, travel (mostly in our RV) and other things important in my life.

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