Wiki Population, Source Control, Hiring, Trying Out Technology, etc...

It's been a while since my last post.  As mentioned in that post, I launched Trac and spent a lot of time since working on a number of things from filling in content to working on some new (to me) technology.

Aside from entering content about projects, priority of projects and kicking off ticket management in Trac, we are also working on pulling source code into Subversion.  Everyone uses Windows, so I encouraged everyone to also install TortoiseSVN.  I have worked with both of these tools for quite a while now.  I believe this to be the best source control solution out there.  These tools never seem to get in the way of software development.  Best of all, they are open source.

I also posted a position to help relieve some work load in our technical support area.  I plan to write about the hiring process in general in the coming days.

The last thing I want to mention before getting back to things is a little about Mono.

At my core, I am a software developer.  I believe technology and software languages are just the tools of a software developer.  The tool I am most comfortable with is .NET, since it's been my focus for many years.  I love open source platforms, though.  I started investigating, a little more vigorously than in the past, how to merge these two.

About the time I decided to do this, I saw this post on getting started with Mono on Ubuntu, my favorite Linux distro.  It's a "get started quick" how-to with a focus on setting up a development environment.  I ran through it and have a couple of sandbox projects I'm working on.  I'm also working on a HowTo for setting up a Mono web server on the server edition of Ubuntu to support potential production releases of my projects.


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I am a technology professional, husband and father striving to balance many interests in my life. Occasionally, I write about technical hobbies, my career, travel (mostly in our RV) and other things important in my life.

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